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Chinese translation for "latent root"


Related Translations:
latent:  adj.存在但看不见的;潜伏的;潜在的。n.隐约的指印,潜指印。adv.-ly
latent heat:  【物理学】潜热。
latent deed:  【法律】秘密保存二十年以上的证件。
latent ambiguity:  【法律】潜在含糊性〔指法律文件文字本身清楚,但由于外在证据而使其产生一种以上含义〕。
latent period:  【医学】潜伏期。
latent image:  【摄影】(底片上已拍摄,但尚未显影的)潜像[影]。
latent force:  潜力。
latent bud:  【植物;植物学】潜伏芽,休眠芽。
Example Sentences:
1.In the first , we study the stability of system equilibrium and the bound of these equilibriums by means of the method of latent root and analytical method
2.In the second parts , a method on studying stochastic transition of the fokker - planck equation is introduced , how to use the method of the latent root to on the fokker - planck equation is mainly deduced
3.For example , in reference [ 12 ] , the author studies the stability of system equilibrium with the method of latent root and the periodic solution of the marchuk ' s model with the method which provided by reference [ 13 ]
例如,文[ 12 ]以时滞r为参数,利用特征根法研究了该模型的平衡点的稳定性,利用文[ 13 ]的方法研究了该模型的周期解。
4.Based on the linear model of governing object , this paper calculates the turbine turbine transfer coefficients and six ki parameters of generator in different work point , and the effect of these changing on latent root are calculated
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